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Poverty Charges Interest

For many years I have been ringing the bell (to those who will listen), that the middle class as we once knew it is no longer in existence. When you think of polar opposites…the opposite of rich is poor. I am sure we can all agree to that. So why do people still think they are amongst the middle class is beyond me. The true term to be used is: “the working poor.” Because MOST active workers, earning active INCOME will lose it all if they are no longer ACTIVELY working!

So when I say, Poverty Charges Interest…I want to count the ways:
1. most people with bad credit are living paycheck to paycheck
2. if your credit is not good you can be denied access/approvals
3. if you have bad credit you will be charged setup fees (i.e. utilities, insurance, etc.)
4. if you have bad credit you will be charged more money for the same service(s) people with money pay less for
5. if you have bad credit lenders will charge you higher deposits
6. if you miss a payment, you will be penalized (harshly in many instances)
7. if you cannot keep your credit scores up and/or you over utilize your credit, your current creditors can revoke and/or limit your access to your accounts
8. you cannot live in the areas that are more desirable
9. low income zip codes are penalized and denied approvals more than higher income zip codes regardless of credit
10. if you can’t afford health insurance you will neglect ailments until its too late and then you are hit with a huge bill when the problem can longer be ignored
11. if you overdraft on your bank account you are charged crazy fees when its clear you don’t have money in the first place and those fees can be assessed on multiple items

The list can honestly go on and on.

I am on a crusade to help those that want to help themselves. I have learned overtime that people will pay for what they want to pay for. If you can find $300 for a pair of sneakers, or $5,000 for a bag (both of which add no value to your life)…then clearly you can find the money to elevate your mind and secure your financial life!! I have also learned that people pay attention to…what they pay for! As someone who was once a single mother who received ZERO financial assistance and “thugged” it out when it came to raising my child, trust me, I know what it is like to sacrifice. But to put myself in a better situation for my child and for my own well-being, I had to make a conscious decision to surrender…to sacrifice, so that I could get myself (and my daughter) into a winning position. That meant I had to stop doing things the way I had been taught (the wrong way) and finally do things the right way…especially when it came to credit and money! The first step in this process was educating myself. The second step was finding people who had what I wanted and becoming a sponge and learning from them. The third step was making the best investment I could ever make and that was in myself!!!

When you think about it, how can people who were never taught how money truly works be charged with making good financial decisions. Most of what we learned was from a lot of trial and error. Let’s face it…you get hit with too many of those $35.00 overdraft fees, you start to learn your lesson real quick…well some of us (anyway).

For me however, I will continue my mission on helping people to free themselves from the shackles of trading their time for dollars. Now, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with having a job but did you ever realize that you spend the majority of your time, at a job, working your regular time and overtime to pay for everything in a place you need to lay your head each day? So the reality is, you spend most of your time outside of your home to pay for things you barely get to enjoy!! Does that make sense?? It may to you…it never did to me.

But even in all of that, most people are doing all this work and they don’t have any investments, no savings and no emergency funds. So exactly what are you working for…rent/mortgage, cable, car notes? Maybe its to exude a certain image, you know actually being broke (in real life)…but wanting to look the opposite of that! At the end of the day none of this sh*t makes sense!!

So when I say Poverty Charges Interest, its in those things and more that I listed above BUT…you are also paying a hefty penalty because you REFUSE to change your mindset. You refuse to stop perpetuated the madness. You refuse to stop this insane way of thinking and operating because you are afraid of change. Hell, if the change is for a better life and lifestyle, then I do not understand the apprehension. Sadly, struggle is more familiar to us then we realize. It’s like trying to end a horrible relationship and refusing to let go!! You know the truth but you REFUSE to take the necessary steps that are most beneficial to you. Yes, these are two separate scenarios, but…definitely the same damn concept.

When you are ready to surrender to the good life and let go of the struggle…let me know!

Schedule a call: CLICK HERE

To your massive success!