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I Don’t Need A Job!

I recently dug into the archives from 2009 for a video I came across on YouTube several years ago. This was of a sermon from a well-known pastor in Baltimore, MD and when I watched it, it spoke to the soul.

One of the lines in the sermon is “God never told us to get a job, He told us to go to work!

When he breaks it down it makes sense. It makes sense to my life and the lives of many others.

I am writing this today to share it with my many blog followers because, like me, you too knew your life was meant for a bigger anointing. You knew God had more in store for you than simply being an employee. You felt it in your gut that there “has to be more to life than this!

I am not sure what your religious affiliation might be (if any at all), but a powerful word can only empower you to start living your full potential. It did for me.

Being self-employed since 2008 has NOT been easy but the journey has been worth it. Sharing with people each and every day how they can live a life in full abundance and not lack is what keeps me going each and every day!

I implore you to take a look at the sermon below and let me know your thoughts. I am always open to a good conversation on how we can work together for the edification of others.

Here is the video….Have a blessed day!