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9 Years of Self-Employment & Going Strong

When the mortgage industry crashed in 2007-8, it was a rocky time for many in that industry (including myself). When you are used to earning a great 5 figure income month-after-month and that suddenly ends…it’s devastating (to say the least).

Although my world was in a tailspin, I had to figure it out fast, and instead of looking for another J.O.B. I decided to start my own business…from home! That was October 2008, we had lost everything, were back to living in an apartment (since losing our town-home), the rent was paid and the cable was on and I told God that I was determined to turn my computer into my own personal ATM and by November 2008, I had over $10K in my account. That’s when I knew I would not be an employee ever again!

For almost 9 years, the goal has been the same…if I don’t grind, I don’t eat! The lifestyle I have and the life I love to enjoy cannot sustain on a $50K a year salary. After taxes, I’d be in major trouble! Present-day, I am still working from home but for the past few years, I have committed my days to help people/families create solid incomes from home working as little as 10 hours a week in their spare time.

For 2017, my new goal has been to help 500 individuals and/or families supplement their income (those with full or part-time jobs who need an additional $500 or more weekly). In addition to that, I am committed to helping 1,000 individuals and/or families “Fire” their bosses and break into the world of entrepreneurship!

I never suggest that someone quit their job (if they’re employed) to start a business. In fact, I do believe that if you have a job and you are ok with giving your boss 40-60 hours a week, then it wouldn’t hurt to give yourself 10-20 hours a week to earn an additional $2,000/monthly (or more). I am sure most of you reading this could use the extra income for bills or create true savings for future goals and needs.

One thing that baffles me about “everyday people”, a.k.a. employees, is that most only have one income stream that they rely on and they wonder why they are not getting ahead in life financially. When you look at wealthy people, you know the Oprah’s and Warren Buffet’s of the world…they ALL have multiple income streams! None of them need to work anymore, but, every last one continues to grind in their own way!

Now, if they can see the benefit in getting paid from more than one source…what makes you think you are doing the right thing by collecting ONE check from your ONE job!?? I learned a long time ago, that you have to make yourself UN-comfortable today so you can be SUPER-comfortable tomorrow! Wealthy people will do what broke people are unwilling to do!

When you change your mindset…YOU will change your life! I will not mislead you by telling you this journey will be easy because it won’t! But, what I can promise you, is that it will be worth it in the end. My income is on auto-pilot right now which means, I do a little work in the morning and a little in the evenings (approximately 4 hours a day weekdays), and I get paid every day! What I show you is how it’s done and how you can do the same!

So you can learn more about this opportunity, visit us online at: Should you have any questions, call me on weekdays 10 am-5 pm EST at (888) 718-6818. I’ll see you at the top…because the bottom is too crowded!
